First Alpha Channel Passthrough AR porn scene now on SLR
The first SLR Originals scene to use the incredible new alpha channel feature is out now: Laya Rae in Therapy and Temptation. User response has been universally positive. Read more about how it improves passthrough AR porn, plus we have advice for the small number of people having issues.
Using alpha channel takes passthrough AR porn to the next level. It allows studios to prepare videos with an alpha channel, meaning the end results are much better. For example, fine details such as hair are kept in the footage, and creators can color correct the footage without affecting the chroma key operation in the SLR app.
More alpha channel videos will be coming to very soon. Our team are also in the process of converting all the previous chromakey videos into Alpha Channel, so SLR's vast library of passthrough AR porn content will soon look better than ever. Also, as of June 2023, three different colours can now be selected for passthrough.
NEW FOR JULY 2023: Quality Time with Molly Little is an amazing example of how good passthrough AR porn can be. This scene was filmed using a full-body chroma suit, which removes the male talent, allowing you to position your body in place so it feels just like you're right there having sex with Molly! We are looking into more techniques, such as removing the penis using AI so you can see your own penis instead. Also, we are exploring the latest methods to remove both backgrounds and torso so scenes won't need to be shot in chromakey any longer, but will still deliver amazing immersive results using passthrough. And later this year, we will showcase this amazing feature on a 2D smartphone app.
How To Use Alpha Channel:
It's very easy. Simply open one of the applicable videos in the SLR app and click the 👁️ icon in the player.
Turn this on and the alpha channel should be set automatically.
Coming soon
This feature will also be coming to the upcoming flat SLR app so users can experience vivid and realistic passthrough on their smartphone!
It is designed to work perfectly with smartphones in AR mode so you can see your favorite models in your personal surroundings through your phone!
Universal Praise
User feedback for alpha channel passthrough AR porn in VR has been extremely positive:
"Finally passthrough done properly. Looks crazy with the Pico 4."
"The passthrough was much improved... Just my opinion but moving forward all passthroughs should use this as their blueprint! Great work."
Even users who don’t use passthrough are impressed:
“I’m not a passthrough guy at all but this is infinitely more watchable as a non-passthrough scene than the green screen scenes.”
Known Issues (Temporary)
Some users have reported issues when trying to play it back. Keep in mind that all you need to do when streaming is select the (A) icon next to the passthrough on/off toggle button in the passthrough control panel that appears on the right side of the app.
Issues mostly arise when playing from downloaded files, rather than streaming. In this case, try the following settings by adjusting the sliders in passthrough settings:
550-590 (move this slider between these amounts)
There is a known issue with the naming of the downloaded file. It should include ‘alpha’ in the filename - if it doesn’t, add it yourself by renaming the file and adding “_alpha”. Another recommended solution is to copy the file onto your Quest 2’s internal hard drive, rather than using DNLA.
Please note: Passthrough AR porn is best on the Meta Quest Pro (stereoscopic color passthrough and the Pico 4 (monoscopic color passthrough). It is compatible with the Quest 2 and Valve Index, although it is monoscopic black and white. Passthrough is not yet compatible with Oculus Link to PCVR or the VIVE XR Elite headset.
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